Download the following clinical studies

How Serotini reduces Appetite could help in developing safer Anti-Obesity drugs, Dr Joel Elmquist, Science Daily Jul 26, 2006

Efficacy of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans1–3 Am J Clin Nutr 1999;70:1040–5. Printed in USA. © 1999 American Society for Clinical Nutrition

Eating behavior and adherence to dietary prescriptions in obese adult subjects treated with 5-hydroxytryptophan1’2 Carlo Cangiano, Fabrizio Ceci, Antonia Cascino, Maria Del Ben, Alessandro Laviano, in, j C/in Nior 1992:56:863-7. Printed in USA. © 1992 American Society for Clinical Nutritionin, j C/in Nior 1992:56:863-7. Printed in USA. © 1992 American Society for Clinical Nutrition

An Exploratory Study to Evaluate the Ability of Epigallocatechin Gallate to Simultaneously Improve Metabolic and Cardiovascular Actions of Insulin in Healthy, Obese, Hypertensive, or Diabetic Subjects


Dr. Amando Sanchez
M.D. Medical Doctor

I have researched several diet supplements throughtout the last ten years and have concluded that the only way to substain maximum weight loss is by raising your metabolism.

Thier are serveral supplements on the market but the best achivements where recorded with Solidax Adx and Bio-SlenderŪ. Both products help you loss weight by increasing your metabolism. But only one did not have the serious side effects of loose stools, constant trips to the bathroom can be bothersome.

Bio-SlenderŪ in a double blind placebo controlled trials was found extremely potent as a weight loss aid. There was evidence that various ingredients of Bio-SlenderŪ led to significantly more weight loss in obese individuals, than for those who used the placebo. These studies were done in conjunction with a healthy eating and exercise plan.


Dr. Khalid Alzgahereh

As a medical doctor, weight loss has always been and still is one of my main clinical concerns. The number of men and women I have seen as patients suffering from obesity and issues has raised my concerns toward finding solid clinical solutions and answers to their many concerns. Bio-SlenderŪ pills offer such a help by increasing the metabolism which burns more calaries. When the body burns calories and limits its intake of more calories it then begins to burn fat.

This is when you loss weight.

Bio-SlenderŪ allows both man and women to loss weight quicker then dieting alone. As I searched for a clinical solution for my patients, I found to be all natural, safe herbal formula that outperforms all the other products on the market. Most other products are expensive, time consuming and do not provide the same ingredients in Bio-SlenderŪ.

In my research with my medical colleagues around the world from different countries, I found a consensus regarding the effectiveness of the herbal ingredients formulated in Bio-SlenderŪ. The result of all my study and research concluded that the herbal formula found in Bio-SlenderŪ aids in providing quicker weight loss then those patients who only dieted. The formulation in Bio-SlenderŪ also has positive systemic effects beneficial to the whole body such s the autonomic nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

Bio-SlenderŪ contains an all natural herbal formula which increases metabolism and proves you with the energetic feeling all day long.

Dr. Khalid Alzgahereh,
M.D. Medical Doctor




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This website is for the markets of USA, Ecuador, Colombia and Costa Rica only. For Peru please go to Firstmed Peru.

Esta Pagina web es solo para los mercados de Estados Unidos, Ecuador, Colombia y Costa Rica. Para el Peru por favor ver Firstmed Peru





Bio-SlenderŪ is Non-Prescription.