Introduction to Metabolism

Metabolism is a term derived from Greek origins that essentially means change. Although there are many complex events that occur with a body’s metabolism, metabolism can be summarized as being the body’s method of breaking down food and other substances and then converting that into resources the body can use.

The metabolism is the body’s way of taking in whatever we consume and attempting to use every mineral and resource that is found within to keep the body running and fueled. A healthy metabolism is necessary to maintain working parts of the body, repair damage, heal injury, and help to rid the body of damaging toxins. Essentially, it is the necessary process to staying alive and maintaining a healthy, functioning organism.

There are three main factors that contribute to a body’s metabolism: nutrition, hydration, and physical activity. In order to maintain a healthy metabolism, the three of these must all be watched and nurtured carefully.

All weight loss and weight gain is directly related to metabolism and being able to do either in a healthy manner involves managing a healthy diet (nutrition), consuming plenty of water (hydration), and maintaining a healthy and productive level of exercise (physical activity). If any one of these factors isn’t managed, the metabolism as a whole will see a decrease which can result in many negative effects.

It is important to note that a common misconception with the nutrition aspect of metabolism is that lowering calorie and fat intake drastically will result in immediate weight loss. This simply is not true, and it has to due with the fact that lowering either of these results in a reduction of the metabolism rate.

In fact, major reductions in calorie and fat intake can result in the body attempting to store excess fat, which will result in physical activity proving largely fruitless due to fat not being burnt off as intended. In order to lose weight in a healthy manner, it is not advisable to cut calorie intake by drastic amounts. Rather, a smarter approach is to attempt to eat healthier, metabolism boosting foods, increasing daily exercise, and consuming more water (which also helps to keep the metabolism running at a high level).

The two main forms of metabolism are catabolic metabolism and anabolic metabolism. Catabolic metabolism is the process which attempts to break down chemicals and nutrients in foods and drugs so that these can be more easily absorbed and then used by the body as necessary. Anabolic metabolism is the exact opposite of this and instead uses enzymes to structure larger molecules from smaller ones.

The fact is that metabolism is a necessary factor of living a healthy life and maintaining a solid metabolism is extremely important. The metabolism is crucial to physical activities, assisting growth and repair, and maintaining life itself in organisms.

Next Topic: Why you need to boost your metabolsim for better weight loss result?

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